Friday, April 23, 2010


无论是台湾天后的“妹”力,还是港男陈豪、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽和吴卓羲的巨星魅力,APT 美发化妆中心的实力都倍受肯定,俨然已是港台明星演唱会大会指定的品牌。

天后张惠妹的热力仍在燃烧,迎来的5月份, APT美发化妆中心再次被委以重任,担任陈豪、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽和吴卓羲《男人魅》演唱会大会指定发型化妆师,虽然两个单位的型象与风格截然不同,一个以爆发力的歌声及狂野的台风征服全球华人市场,而《男人魅》的四个男人更是各具特色,吸引了男女老幼全情投入在他们的喜怒哀乐中,但是他们在马来西亚的首场演唱会,主办单位却都不约而同的选定了APT美发化妆中心为指定发型化妆师,足见APT已突破大马市场,大步的跨向国际,为大马美发化妆业刷下全新亮丽记录。

APT’s is now being appointed as the official hair stylist and make up for Live In Genting Concert on 22May2010, after Ah Mei Live Concert in Malaysia on 24April2010. APT’s seem to be an official brand for Hong Kong and Taiwan star in Malaysia.

Although Ah Mei and the singers of have their own unique styles but APT’s creativity and skill had gained them the affirmation and recognition of the organizer. The concert organizer had unanimously appointed APT’s hair stylist and makeup for both of the concert. APT’s has stepping into the international stage; make a new record for Malaysia hair styling and makeup industry.

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