陳豪,黃宗澤,吳卓羲,鄭嘉穎非常感谢APT团队对 22/5/2010《男人魅》演唱会的贡献.APT 是演唱会的指定发型与化妆师。因此,香港四大巨星特意在演唱会之后, 在 Cafe Resort Hotel@Genting 的庆功宴送上纪念牌予APT创办人 Ann Wang以示感谢。
Moses,Bosco,Ron & Kevin very appreciates APT’s contribution for 22/5/2010《All About Men》
陳豪、鄭嘉穎、吳卓羲及黃宗澤,4位香港無線電視魅力型男,首次齊聚一堂來馬辦演唱會.APT 受要为演唱会的指定发型及化妆师。
2010年5月21日与, 4位魅力型男与受邀出席記者會的APT总裁Ann Wang 一起合照!
In this photo: Moses, Kevin, Ron, Bosco & APT’s Founder Ms Ann Wang during the press conference.
Skin Renew Search for Ambassador Event was held on 18April10 @ Sungai Wang Plaza. APT’s was the official hair stylist and judge of the show.
The winner- MS CHRISTINE HO has a very strong confidence on the catwalk session and her sweet smile has gained her an honor of Skin Renew Ambassador Year2010.
Photo: APT was the official hair stylist for the event.
From the left- MY FM DJ Mei Yan, The Principal of APT Makeup Academy Dr Christine Lee, APT CEO’s Ms Ann Wang, Skin Renew CEO’s Ms Janet Wang, The Skin Renew Ambassador Ms Christine Ho, Supermodel Ms Stephanie Chai, Editor of Nona Cik Nuru.
APT’s is now being appointed as the official hair stylist and make up for
Although Ah Mei and the singers of