Monday, May 31, 2010

香港四大巨星陳豪,黃宗澤,吳卓羲和鄭嘉穎特意在《男人魅》演唱会庆功宴送上纪念牌予APT创办人 Ann Wang以示感谢.

陳豪,黃宗澤,吳卓羲,鄭嘉穎非常感谢APT团队对 22/5/2010《男人魅》演唱会的贡献.APT 是演唱会的指定发型与化妆师。因此,香港四大巨星特意在演唱会之后, 在 Cafe Resort Hotel@Genting 的庆功宴送上纪念牌予APT创办人 Ann Wang以示感谢。 

Moses,Bosco,Ron & Kevin very appreciates APT’s contribution for 22/5/2010《All About Men》 Live Concert. As a token of appreciation, souvenir was given to the founder of APT’s professional team Ann Wang during the celebration party at Cafe Resort Hotel@Genting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

香港四大巨星陈豪、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽, 吴卓羲和APT总裁Ann Wang在Lot10 的《男人魅》记者招待会时合照


陳豪、鄭嘉穎、吳卓羲及黃宗澤,4位香港無線電視魅力型男,首次齊聚一堂來馬辦演唱.APT 受要为演唱会的指定发型及化妆师。

2010521日与, 4位魅力型男受邀出席記者會的APT总裁Ann Wang 一起合照!

In this photo: Moses, Kevin, Ron, Bosco & APT’s Founder Ms Ann Wang during the press conference.

Press Conference記者會

日期 21/5/2010
Time/時間 3.30PM
Venue/地點 Teeq Brasserie@Lot 10

988 邀请APT 为听众们 <打造妈咪新型象>


这是在活动结束后, 主持人Kian & May,与两位APT资深化妆师 Risley & Nic 合照。

APT salon & academy was the official hair stylist and makeup for the mother's day event " A Brand New You" sponsored by ZIP and FM988.

host Mr Kian & Ms May, APT’s Senior Creative Stylist Mr Risley and Nic after the show.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

名DJ颜薇恩、名模Stephanie Chai、名造型师APT,为SKIN RENEW代言人添“名”星光彩。

Skin Renew寻找代言人活动,已于4月18日假吉隆坡金河广场隆重举行,APT美发化妆中心与学院受邀担任造型顾问及评审,为初次站在舞台上10强佳丽打造亮眼新型象,增添她们的风采与信心。最终CHRISTINE SHO以自信的台步与笑容,赢得代言人荣衔。

Skin Renew Search for Ambassador Event was held on 18April10 @ Sungai Wang Plaza. APT’s was the official hair stylist and judge of the show.

The winner- MS CHRISTINE HO has a very strong confidence on the catwalk session and her sweet smile has gained her an honor of Skin Renew Ambassador Year2010.

图为:APT为当日代言人活动的造型顾问,为嘉宾们打造亮丽风采:左一:MY FM DJ颜薇恩APT化妆学院校长Christine Lee、APT创办人Ann Wang、Skin Renew执行董事Janet Wang、代言人得主Christine Sho、名模Stephanie Chai、Nona主编Cik Nuru。

Photo: APT was the official hair stylist for the event.

From the left- MY FM DJ Mei Yan, The Principal of APT Makeup Academy Dr Christine Lee, APT CEO’s Ms Ann Wang, Skin Renew CEO’s Ms Janet Wang, The Skin Renew Ambassador Ms Christine Ho, Supermodel Ms Stephanie Chai, Editor of Nona Cik Nuru.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

APT 为988 听众<打造妈咪新型象>


988电台将从4月26日至4月30日开始,每天一次的电话CALL IN分享<与妈妈最感动的时刻>,一连5天选出10位妈妈,参加5月9日(星期日)下午2点正在吉隆坡金河广场《令你妈咪ZIP出新型象》。


APT Hair.Makeup.Salon Academy & Centre work in hand with radio FM988 and ZIP for the Mother’s Day Event named <> that will held on 9May2010 at Sungai Wang, from 2pm onwards.

There is a CALL IN session held from 26April10 to 30April10, where caller need to share the touches story on air in order to win his/her mother an opportunity to be on stage for a free makeover.

APT Hair and Makeup team will be on site to turns the mother’s into a beautiful and elegant woman. At the same time, host MAY and KIAN will also play games with the audience on stage.
It must be a memorable Mother’s Day for those participants!

Mother’s Day – A Brand New You

Campaign : 令你妈咪Zip 出新形象

Date : 9th May 2010 (Sunday)

Time : 2pm to 3pm

Venue : Concourse Area, Sungei Wang Plaza

Emcee : May & Kian

Official Venue : Sungei Wang Plaza

Official Beauty Academy : APT Make-up Salon & Academy

Monday, April 26, 2010

张惠妹感谢大会指定美发化妆师,亲送纪念品予APT创办人ANN WANG


Ah Mei was presented the souvenir's to the CEO's of APT Professional Team-Ms Ann Wang, as a token of appreciation for her hair styling throughout the show.

张惠妹[阿密特]世界巡回演唱会圆满的画下句点,APT 美发化妆中心与学院身为大会指定美发化妆师,也在6月24日(星期六)演唱会过后当晚的记者会上,获得张惠妹及主办单位STAR PLANET的肯定,张惠妹带着歌迷的热情和亢奋的心情,特别感谢APT的支持与付出,并且亲手颁送亲笔签名纪念品予APT创办人ANN WANG.

APT's has gained the affirmation from Ah Mei and the organizer-Star Planet for their creativity and state-of-art hair styling.

Ah Mei also especially thanks to the support of APT's professional team by presented a souvenir for Ms Ann Wang (the APT's founder) during the press conference.


图为:张惠妹亲手颁送亲笔签名纪念品予APT创办人ANN WANG,左为:主办单位STAR PLANET执行董事ALAN FOO.

A Mei awarded personally autographed souvenir to APT founder Ms Ann Wang, left is: Managing Director of Organizers STAR PLANET Mr Alan Foo.

Friday, April 23, 2010


无论是台湾天后的“妹”力,还是港男陈豪、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽和吴卓羲的巨星魅力,APT 美发化妆中心的实力都倍受肯定,俨然已是港台明星演唱会大会指定的品牌。

天后张惠妹的热力仍在燃烧,迎来的5月份, APT美发化妆中心再次被委以重任,担任陈豪、郑嘉颖、黄宗泽和吴卓羲《男人魅》演唱会大会指定发型化妆师,虽然两个单位的型象与风格截然不同,一个以爆发力的歌声及狂野的台风征服全球华人市场,而《男人魅》的四个男人更是各具特色,吸引了男女老幼全情投入在他们的喜怒哀乐中,但是他们在马来西亚的首场演唱会,主办单位却都不约而同的选定了APT美发化妆中心为指定发型化妆师,足见APT已突破大马市场,大步的跨向国际,为大马美发化妆业刷下全新亮丽记录。

APT’s is now being appointed as the official hair stylist and make up for Live In Genting Concert on 22May2010, after Ah Mei Live Concert in Malaysia on 24April2010. APT’s seem to be an official brand for Hong Kong and Taiwan star in Malaysia.

Although Ah Mei and the singers of have their own unique styles but APT’s creativity and skill had gained them the affirmation and recognition of the organizer. The concert organizer had unanimously appointed APT’s hair stylist and makeup for both of the concert. APT’s has stepping into the international stage; make a new record for Malaysia hair styling and makeup industry.